
Customer Testimonials

What Our Customers Say About Us
MNasim Shrifi
The service that has been provided by G Edwards Electrical is amazing and loved the way they communicated and got the job done within no time. I highly recommend them to anyone and their pricing was great too

George Fadel
Best Electrician in the south East highly recommended

Kim Bilir
Woke up to a power failure found Gareth on the Internet needed someone urgent and local. I highly recommend Gareth his honest reliable and very professional .. 10/10 👍

Brooke Okill
Was recommended to Gareth by a friend, so glad we found him. He installed our cameras and did an amazing job. Super friendly and easy to deal with. Highly recommend!

Edwina Hill
I could not recommend Gareth highly enough. I text him last Thur morning. He looked at the job in the afternoon. He was back on Friday morning and installed a ceiling fan and new light in my ensuite. He was reliable, well priced, clean and …More
Alex Okill
Found Gareth online, very happy! He did a great job with our outdoor light installation, thanks mate we appreciate your hard work.
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